Two Bank Holiday's, Wembley And A Family Party

Spring is finally here and we have managed to have a few BBQ’s sitting in the garden. Willow is finding fascination in all the new life in the garden and dandelion puffs are proving to a source of much hilarity to the little lady. We have also enjoyed a plethora of events that Hereford has had to offer over the last month. With the toddler in tow we have been to the Bird of Prey and Vintage Tractor show at Hampton Court with her grandparents during the first Bank Holiday weekend of the month. Willow adores tractors and can spot them from afar, so if you see a little girl waving frantically and you are driving a tractor please wave back as this will make her day!

Our Saturday’s are now taken up with ballet lessons for Willow and she goes to a local ballet school. Although only in their first term this little ballerina’s is loving their classes and fabulous teacher.

Mr Jones is also having a busy May. He has been in Ian Coley Sporting to get fitted properly for his gun. Apparently this is important if you want to hit things on the field during the winter months. A good day out was had and it was something he had wanted to do for a couple of years now, so it was good for him to get out of the office and visit Ian’s shoot school ground.
Mr Jones has also been to Wembley to see Hereford in the FA Vase cup final on the 22nd of May. Hereford played Morpeth Town during the final and unfortunately lost 4-1.

May also saw the annual family party being held at Tarrington Village hall, which is a superb venue for any function. It was a glorious sunny day and a cracking game of cricket was played encompassing all generations with some expert batting from the youngsters. Definitely a few players to be watched in cricketing circles. It is always lovely to see all the family and especially such a big family, and to see all the children playing together. Willow adores her cousins and so she happily romped around with toy tractors, bouncy horses and lots of crafts all afternoon. You would be forgiven to think she was tired, but no sleep again alluded her and us.

Our May finished with a fantastic visit from our very dear friends the Harding’s from Poole.

I am godmother to their little girl and Mrs Harding is godmother to Willow and so it is lovely catch up and spend hours with the girls playing together. We had a picnic under the apple blossom in the orchards at the farm, with the dogs running round and the girls giggling away and playing all afternoon. Just a perfect way to spend a Hereford day.