The Fairfax and Favor Mini Windsor bag is an exact replica of the classic Windsor handbag, only smaller, fear not though, it has all of the features you would need, still with the space to store the essentials!
The Fairfax Mini Windsor has a removable shoulder strap as well as a zipped internal pocket and phone slip pocket to store your valuables safely, the inner has a microfibre lining which is practical and easy to clean.
The Fairfax and Favour Mini Windsor handbag has Fairfax and Favor foil brandig alongside the iconic shield adding the perfect touch of detail. The bag has short carry handles and a long detatchable strap to ensure you can wear it as you like. The bag comfortably fits in all of the essentials whilst being a neat and handy bag to keep in your collection.
On the base of the Fairfax and Favor Mini Windsor, you will find gold studs to ensure that the base of the bag doesn't get damaged on a wet or dirty floor.
Love the design but want something bigger? Shop the Fairfax & Favor Windsor Tote Bag, The F&F Windsor handbag (the full sized version), or the Fairfax & Favor Windsor Backpack.
Mini Windsor Handbag Features
- Fairfax and Favor Mini Windsor
- Small version of the classic Windsor bag
- Removable shoulder strap
- Interchangeable mini tassel
- Internal zipped pocket
- Fairfax & Favor gold branding
- Made from a combination and suede and leather
Fairfax & Favor's Ref.
Colour: Black, Conker, Navy, Tan Leather, Tan Suede, Tan/Navy Suede, Plum Suede, Chocolate
Sizes: One Size
PM Ref. 982454